Construction time again…

Construction time again…

I’ve finally made a start on building a passive monitor controller. I’ve had a good look at the various options available on the market and decided that I can build the kind of spec I’m looking for much cheaper than I can buy one. It will have 4...
Self built MIDI controller

Self built MIDI controller

I’ve spent the last few months building a new MIDI control surface specifically for controlling EQ plugins. It was an idea I had last year. I actually pitched the idea to Novation, along with a mocked up image of what it could look like as I thought their rotary...
DIY Cubase keyboard control surface

DIY Cubase keyboard control surface

  I have had this one planned for a while… I was just waiting for something suitable to turn up on eBay and last week I managed to snag a used EPOS keyboard for £5… woohoo! It’s a USB keyboard and is the TM_KMR128A made by Tipro (product info)....
FiveFish SC-1 completed

FiveFish SC-1 completed

I finally found some time to finish the internal wiring of the preamp. Next job will be tests and VU meter calibration. I only need the meters to give a useful indication rather than accurate metering… more important is that they are both closely matched to each...
FiveFish SC-1 update 5

FiveFish SC-1 update 5

Having finished the PCB builds and then had a little break I have now made a start on the metalwork. Today I have drilled the front panel. First of all I sellotaped a full scale print out of the front panel design with cross hairs on each hole position and used a...